Megan Fox is the center of Wonderland’s 4th Anniversary Issue where she opens up her questionable mental state and the similarities between Michael Bay and the Fuhrer:
On what the fuck’s wrong with her:
“I definitely have some kind of mental problem and I haven’t pinpointed what it is.”
On her new movie Jennifer’s Body:
“I think it’s really about how fucked up and scary girls are. Girls are fucking nightmares.”
On being a product:
“Part of my product is being outrageous and outspoken so even when I’m not being that way I’m going to be sold that way.” On Michael Bay:
“[Michael Bay] wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is. So he’s a nightmare to work for.”
And I think I’ve finally reached my threshold of Megan Fox shenanigans. Unless her new shtick is fornicating with a blogger who refers to his penis as the “Bat-pole,” I don’t want to hear another word that isn’t “Yes, Batman, it’s my fault the Riddler stole your sandwich.”
Source: The Superficial
Wow! Well, I think that she and michael are just being a pain in each others’ asses.
is this her real twitter account?
it seems like it. please reply!!!!!!
elle ( aka )