In its efforts to continue the story of the well-loved transforming alien robots, Paramount has decided to work on “Transformers 5.”
While not much has been revealed about the upcoming fifth installment of the franchise, there’s an ongoing rumor claiming that “Transformers 5” could finally lead the way to the highly anticipated reunion of Megan Fox, Shia LaBeouf and director Michael Bay.
Food World News reported the possibility of original male lead star Shia LaBeouf to return to “Transformers 5” saying,
“It’s not like Michael Bay doesn’t know that Megan Fox greatly improves box office figures,” Movie Pilot said. “He produced that ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ thing she was in, and the success of that movie still has analysts working overtime to try and decode a reason that doesn’t just add up to Megan Fox.”
Source: Franchise Herald