Megan Fox is the latest face of Avon’s new fragrance Instinct for Women. In the perfume’s honor, she rang to talk about her husband, being hot, and much more.
Cosmo: What’s sexy to you?
MF: I love when my hair is in loose beachy waves, I think that’s sexy. But what’s sexiest to me is whenever you’re feeling confident and you exude that.
Cosmo: As one of the sexiest women alive, do you see yourself as sexy?
MF: Privately I see myself as sexy, but I don’t know what I do out in public that’s so sexy. [Laughs.]
Cosmo: Has your idea of sexy changed since you’ve become a mom, and now again that you’re pregnant?
MF: Yes. I actually got much more comfortable being curvy. I didn’t lose all of my baby weight on purpose because I enjoyed having thighs and a booty — I think Brian enjoys that as well. [Laughs.]
Cosmo: Do you watch Brian on 90210 on Soapnet?
MF: We don’t do that in our house — watch the work we do. I’m horrified of watching myself. But I do sneak episodes of 90210 while Brian is at work. I’ll text him and say, “How could you cheat on Donna?! She loved you so much and saved herself for you!!”
Cosmo: You’re the new face of Avon’s Instinct for Women, which is coming out in February 2014. What’s your favorite thing about the scent?
Megan Fox: I personally like that it smells like sandalwood, yet it’s still light and fresh. It’s perfect for day and night, because it’s not too-overpowering or too-musky.
Cosmo: Where is your favorite place to spray fragrance?
MF: I always put it on my neck and my collarbone, I’m not sure why, I just do. And I do a general dusting on my clothing, too — I spray and walk through it.
Cosmo: I know the scent has a male counterpart as well. Does your husband Brian [Austin Green] wear the men’s version?
MF: No, he’s not really a cologne guy, he’s more of a take a shower/deodorant kind of guy.
Cosmo: So does he like when you wear fragrance?
MF: Brian likes fragrance on me, but he isn’t picky — he just loves me with whatever I’ve got going on.
Cosmo: Now your fragrance comes out in February of 2014, what are your feelings on Valentine’s Day?
MF: I think it’s an unfair and difficult holiday to sit through, especially if you don’t have someone at the time.
Cosmo: Talking about beauty, has your beauty routine changed since becoming a mom?
MF: I don’t have the same amount of time that I had before to do selfish things for myself, and with that I’ve limited the amount of products I use. I used to have six-step beauty routine and now I only use a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.
Cosmo: What cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen do you use?
MF: I use CeraVe cleanser and moisturizer, and I always use my dermatologist Dr. Lancer’s sunscreen.
Cosmo: What’s the one beauty product you can’t live without?
MF: I have to have Aquaphor. My lips are so dry, so I have to have it with me all of the time — it’s so hydrating.
Source: Cosmopolitan