Megan Fox likes geeks

Megan Fox has revealed that she has a liking for geeks.

The ‘Transformers’ star believes she herself has qualities of a nerd. “The guys at comic book conventions are polite and very so kind. Maybe it”s because I”m a geek, too,” the News of the World quoted her as saying.

She added: “But the kind of guys you meet at those conventions are very nice and very appreciative of what you do.” Also, Fox’s Alienate People co-star Simon Pegg feels she is the Queen of the geeks.

He said: “We wrapped early one day and went to a bar. Megan and I sat in the corner, got really p****d and had a good chat. She”s really sharp and actually a bit of a geek. Queen of the geeks – the most beautiful geek I”ve ever met.”

Source: India Times

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