‘Jennifer’s Body’ Comic Con News

The previously mentioned Megan Fox will promote two movies. On a panel discussion for Jonah Hex, based on the disfigured comic book outlaw, she’ll appear with star Josh Brolin. Fox will also take part in a special presentation for press of the horror comedy Jennifer’s Body, Oscar-winning writer Diablo Cody’s follow-up to Juno. In that, Fox stars as a high school cheerleader who gets possessed by a demon and starts killing all the boys in town.Horror and sci-fi fans are also looking forward to seeing what the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street is all about — specifically how the new Freddy Krueger, Jackie Earle Haley, looks in scare-inducing makeup; a preview of the Biblically tinged Legion, starring Paul Bettany as the archangel Michael; and District 9, the alien drama produced by Lord of the Rings filmmaker Peter Jackson. (Jackson and Cameron will also be doing a future of filmmaking panel together.)

Source: USA Weekend

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